Boulder Elevated

2023 Election Endorsements

We proudly endorse these Boulder Elevators in the 2023 election

Mayoral Race

BOb Yates

Bob has embodied the values of Boulder Elevated during his eight years on city council. He has proven himself to be a measured and thoughtful leader and strong advocate for affordable housing and public safety. Bob has a long history of community service including serving on the board of the Museum of Boulder and founding the Rainbows Over Pearl LGBTQ Initiative. Most notably, Bob’s commitment to engaging with Boulder residents sets him apart from the other mayoral candidates. He takes the time to respond to a majority of the email he receives, including those that challenge him as well as support him, and publishes a detailed, yet readable, newsletter every month. This is good governance in action!

City Council Race

Tara Winer

We want more Tara! Over the last two years, Tara has proven her ability to cross the aisle and advocate for common-sense solutions. She is a responsive listener and enjoys hearing from all Boulder residents. A tireless advocate for safe affordable housing, better bike routes, and economic vitality, we can’t wait for more of Tara’s infectious energy on Council!

Tina Marquis

After eight years on the BVSD board of education, Tina is ready to jump back into local politics. Tina impressed the entire BE leadership team with her performance at candidate forums and during meetings. She has a deep understanding of the nuances of city policies and offers tangible programs and solutions when questioned about Boulder issues. We found Tina to be particularly strong in affordable housing, climate action, and community engagement

Jenny Robins

When we first met Jenny, we were impressed with her background in land use and zoning. The depth of her knowledge and her history of negotiating contracts with local governments sets her apart from other candidates. Jenny also has a passion for supporting youth mental health, which is critical as we find ourselves in the midst of a national mental health crisis. She believes that providing students with opportunities to engage in constructive change will foster a more optimistic mindset. Jenny explained that her commitment to the environment, which underlies both her career in land use and her focus on empowering young people to shape the future, drove her to run for the City Council.

Terri Brncic

Terri has the skill that most council members struggle with for years: she’s a whiz with budgets! Terri is clear that public safety is her number one priority, and she has shown her commitment to effecting change by helping put Safe Zones 4 Kids on the ballot. However, she is not a one issue candidate. At the forums and in meetings she speaks with great depth on all issues, including open space management and how to improve community engagement. We admire Terri’s straight-forward and data-driven approach to problems.

Ballot Measures

“Yes” on Safe Zones 4 Kids

We require our kids to go to school, so we must do what we can to get them there safely. This ballot measure asks that Boulder implement “safe zones,” similar to what exist in other cities, around our schools and bike paths. We at BE believe that the primary purpose of government is to protect the health and well-being of the governed. Safe Zones 4 Kids is part of that purpose.

BVSD Board of Education

Jason Unger

Jason’s extensive experience from teacher to policy maker is beyond impressive. He has the deep understanding of the issues and a willingness to listen that we need on the BVSD Board.

Alex Medler

Alex has an extensive background in child advocacy and wants to support our kids’ health: physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Lalenia Quinlan Aweida

Lalenia priotizes academics and smart budgeting. She wants our kids to succeed. Lalenia is committed to supporting their safety and mental health so they can acheive.

Find Boulder specific voter information on our Voter Resources page. 

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