Boulder Elevated

About Boulder Elevated

Formed in 2023, Boulder Elevated is a 501(c)(4) non-profit that believes we all benefit from collaborative, capable leadership that emphasizes common-sense solutions and public involvement.

In a world where it’s easy to be sidelined by partisan politics, Boulder Elevated offers  a dynamic, inclusive community for those who want to see — and participate in — constructive change. Working together, we can engage voters and enable leaders to deliver a community that is more Livable, Attainable, and Sustainable.

Meet The Team

Brooke Harrison, PhD

Board Chair

Lisa Spalding

Board Member

University Hill Neighborhood Committee

Hill Revitalization Working Group member

Jill Oliver

Board Member

Adam Swetlik

Board Member

Mark Wallach

Council Advisor

Mayor Pro Tem, Boulder City Council

In addition to the board, Boulder Elevated has a large network of advisors including current and former council members, city and county board members, and residents with decades of civic engagement.

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